Courses in 2017
Making Wattle Hurdles

May 6th/7th. Making Wattle Hurdles.
Learn how to use a billhook and split hazel. Get to grips with the starting and finishing sequences and build up the body of the weave. At the end of the day you should have a small hurdle to take away with you and a fine selection of callouses.
£150 for the weekend, inclusive of materials and with all tools provided. Camping will be available at our Yard (see below).
Timber Framing Courses
My colleague and Yard sharer, Adrian Leaman, runs round-wood timber framing courses from our yard. You can find details of these on his website, www.wholewoods.co.uk
Courses at Ironbridge
In 2017 I will be running three other courses at the Greenwood Centre in the Ironbridge Gorge, near Telford.
March 25th/26th – Wattle Hurdles
Sept 15th/16th – Coppice Tools and Devices
Oct 27th/28th – Tool Sharpening
For full details of these go to their website, www.smallwoods.co.uk
Charcoal Making
June 24th/25th. Charcoal making.
Pure alchemy! The art of converting assorted pieces of wood into charcoal. We’ll manage a burn in a big ring kiln as well as in 45 gallon oil drums and we’ll take you through the whole process of stacking, lighting and closing down a burn. You should leave with a fine bag of barbecue charcoal, some artists drawing charcoal, lots of experience – and very dirty!
£145 for the weekend, camping on site. Accomodation: for most of my courses, camping is available at our Yard just north of Tetbury. Here you will find a composting toilet and cold running water (luxury!); a covered Camp Kitchen, some sleeping platforms in the roof of one of our buildings and some space for camper vans or tents.